Thursday, July 23, 2009

Let the time

Yesterday I finally finished watching Benjamin Button dvd, yeah you can say "kemana aja lo?? so last year abeeees" don't worry I always have an answer for that

1 dialog I love much from that movie and would to share to you
"you can mad as mad dog, you can curse (blablabla sorry I dont really remember) but when the time has come, you just have to let it go..."

Yeah when time has come you just have to let everything go then it will release you from feeling guilty, sad even from deep lost.


Still learn for being such mature girl. Be tough when lost, strong in sadness, think clearly in madness.

I want you even in my darkest dream. I need you like air to breath. Hate your stubborn head (as well as mine) like having ice cream in freezing day. Smiling and blushing only when I hear your voice.
Its not easy to let go our fight, forget our long conversation debating nothing.

I'm not let anything gone, cos time still here and also the dream, our dream.

When hoping much brings to crying and wanting only can make dying, just believe there's faith to show you to the light