Friday, October 29, 2010

its 24!!!

im 24 y.o yesterday. (should i happy or sad cos getting older?)
no celebration, not even people remembered. just my family, some closest friends (hany, dilla, ima, nia, dipa) that send sms or call me. but its still make me happy. you know why?
I dont give clue in any social network for my birthday date, and I deactive some of them. So when they still remember, it means a lot. Means they really care. And i'm thankful for having such luxurious happiness like that.
wishes are made in 12 am of 28 oct.
So its time for work harder t make it true.
Pray more for God's bless in it.

feel so brand new!!
happy birthday my self :)


irmutzy said...

whahahaha... nama gw tak ada... wah gw ternyata termasuk yg lupa yaq... maap... hikzz... T_T... feeling guilty... :D

tongsampahtumah said...

hayah! gpp kan akhirnya lo inget juga, makasiy mair ;)